Saturday, December 20, 2008

part 7: Number Calculation in Indonesian

hi! =)

after learning about numbers, what are we going to learn? it’s number calculation in Indonesian. wait… don’t be too confused, coz what i want to tell just plus, minus, multiple and divide. so, it won’t take too long time to learning :P.


let’s see some examples! ^__^

dua ditambah dua sama dengan empat

3- 2=1
tiga dikurang dua sama dengan satu

4x5= 20
empat dikali lima sama dengan dua puluh

42: 7= 6
empat puluh dua dibagi tujuh sama dengan enam

finish…!!! easy huh? just comment if u wanna ask about this lesson =) see you in next lesson!!! XD.

check another lessons in let’s learn Indonesian! main page ^__^

part 6: numbers in Indonesian (>100)

ok, time to learn the hundreds until millions! ^^

100seratus se-ra-tus
200dua ratusdu-wa ra-tus
300tiga ratusti-ga ra-tus
500lima ratusli-ma ra-tus
602enam ratus duae-nam ra-tus du-wa
718tujuh ratus delapan belastu-juh ra-tus de-la-pan be-las
843delapan ratus empat puluh tigade-la-pan ra-tus em-pat pu-luh ti-ga

do u understand just by seeing the table above?? well, i hope yes ^^ coz we will continue the lesson to the thousands =)

1.000seribu se-ri-bu
2.000 dua ribu du-wa ri-bu
6.000 enam ribu e-nam ri-bu
2.008 dua ribu delapan du-wa ri-bu de-la-pan
4.019 empat ribu sembilan belas
5.382 lima ribu tiga ratus delapan puluh dua
10.000sepuluh ribu
30.000 tiga puluh ribu
42.000 empat puluh dua ribu
100.000seratus ribu
1.000.000satu juta

in thousands number, we use comma (,) not with pull stop (.) in Indonesian.
so if in Europe and US we write 1,032, we will write 1.302 in Indonesian.

n for the years, don’t use comma ^^. example: now it’s 2008.
and for date: Senin, 15 Desember 2008.

here’s how to write currency: Rp10.000,00 => sepuluh ribu Rupiah

how is it? can u understand this lesson? if u have any question, just comment here =)

don’t forget check let’s learn Indonesian! main page ^__^

Friday, December 19, 2008

Part 5: numbers in Indonesian (1 to 100)

hello!! XD

let’s continue our ‘let’s learn Indonesian’ lesson! ^^ after knowing the month and days, it’ll be perfect if we learn about the dates (in Indonesian: tanggal). writing and saying dates in Indonesian is same as in numbers. so i decide to write this in numbers in Indonesian (1 to 100). hajimemashou! XD


12dua belasdu-wa be-las
13tiga belasti-ga be-las
14empat belasem-pat be-las

so in Indonesian, from number 12 to 19, just say the second number then add word “belas”. get it?
ok, it’s the example:

15. see the second number, it’s 5 which in Indonesian is lima. so to say 15=>lima+belas=>lima belas.

another example =) :
19=>sembilan+belas=>sembilan belas

20dua puluhdu-wa pu-luh
30tiga puluhti-ga pu-luh
40empat puluhem-pat pu-luh

can notice what the conclusion is? yup! u right! to write number like 20, 30, 40,…..,90 just say the first number then add word “puluh”. example:
70=>tujuh+puluh=>tujuh puluh

easy, isn’t it?? ok, let’s continue!! XD

21dua puluh satudu-wa pu-luh sa-tu
22dua puluh duadu-wa pu-luh du-wa
34tiga puluh empatti-ga pu-luh em-pat
45empat puluh limaem-pat pu-luh li-ma
68enam puluh delapane-nam pu-luh de-la-pan
99sembilan puluh sembilansem-bi-lan pu-luh sem-bi-lan

how about those ones??? u know what the pattern is??? bingo! you did a good job! for everyone who don’t understand well, let me tell u ;), example:
79=>70+9=>tujuh puluh sembilan

ok, lesson is finish now. today the lesson is longer than usual, sorry. but i hope u understand what you read here =). as usual, if u wanna ask, just comment here, ok? ;)


don’t forget check let’s learn Indonesian! main page ^__^

Friday, November 28, 2008

Part 4: Months in Indonesian

hello! =)

ready to learn another lesson? well, today i'm going to write months in Indonesian! months in Indonesian means Bulan. but remember: Bulan in Indonesian can be translated as month and moon. ok, let's start! XD


*e in Februari and Mei are spelled like e in jelly
**e in Maret, Oktober and November are spelled like e in painter
*** the 1st n 2nd e in September and Desember are spelled like e in jelly,
the 3rd e is spelled like e in painter

how to write date in Indonesian?
date in Indonesian means tanggal. how to write "tanggal" in Indonesian??

example: 29 November 2008

so Indonesian, we write the date by: date-month-year

you can also write the day, example: Sabtu, 29 November 2008

so if u want to put the day, u should write: day,-date-month-year =)

if you want to know more about days, click here:Part 3: Days in Indonesian

ok, that's all our lesson today! if u have question about this lesson, just ask by comment hare! ;)

cya~~! XD

back to Let's Learn Indonesian! main page ^^

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Part 3: Days in Indonesian

hello! =)

let's continue our lesson. it's about days in Indonesian. Days in Indonesian is Hari. Hari in Indonesian can be d Indonesian of day n also d Indonesian male name :). so don't be confused if u meet an Indonesian male named Hari XD.

in English, week starts on Sunday. but in Indonesia, week starts on Monday. ok, here's Indonesian days


*E letter in Senin and Selasa is spelled like E in painter :)

back to Let’s Learn Indonesian! main page

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Part 2: Introduce Yourself and Greetings in Indonesian

hello again! =)
are you still interested to learn Indonesian? if yes, hope u can learn this too! :)

if we visit new place, we need to introduce ourself. in Indonesian, introduce yourself is Mengenalkan Diri. please check this table ^^

How are you?Apa kabar?
My name is...Nama saya...
I’m from...Saya berasal dari...
I’m….. years oldSaya berumur….. tahun
Nice to meet youSenang bertemu denganmu

beside saying hello, in English there are many ways to say greetings, so are there in Indonesian :). almost forget, greeting in Indonesian means Salam ^^

Good morning = Selamat pagi
Good afternoon = Selamat siang
Good evening = Selamat sore (around 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM)
Good night = Selamat malam
Good bye = Selamat tinggal
Bye-bye = Sampai jumpa
See you = Sampai jumpa
Take care! = Hati-hati!

in Indonesian, Good night is not only said before going to bed, but also said when you meet someone at night (from 7:00 PM)

and if you want to ask someone condition, you can say: “Apa kabar?”. it’s d Indonesian of “How are you?”

and you can answer:
I’m fine = Saya baik
I’m good = Saya baik
I’m not really good = Saya tidak terlalu baik
I’m sick = Saya sedang sakit

ok, i think it’s enough about Introducing and Greetings. if you have question, don’t hesitate asking me by commenting here =)

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Part 1: How to Spell in Indonesian

hello, guys!! XD

ok, in this the lesson. we learn about Indonesian spelling.
like in English, there are 26 characters in Indonesian. here, i’ll write about how to spell Indonesian words =)

A is spelled like in father
I is spelled like in sit
U is spelled like in put
E is spelled like in jelly and painter*
O is spelled like in no

B is spelled like in bus
C is spelled like in chalk
D is spelled like in donkey
F is spelled like in fantasy
G is spelled like in guava

H is spelled like in house
J is spelled like in jar
K is spelled like in car
L is spelled like in lily
M is spelled like in mirror

N is spelled like in nose
P is spelled like in park
Q is spelled like in quarter**
R is spelled like in rain
S is spelled like in sell

T is spelled like in tea
V is spelled like in fantasy***
W is spelled like in waiter
X is spelled like in x-ray**
Y is spelled like in year
Z is spelled like in zebra

* E in Indonesian can be spelled in two ways like in jelly and painter.
example: Meja(=table) is spelled with E like in ‘jelly’
Selamat(=save) is spelled with E like in ‘painter”
** Q and X in Indonesian are rarely used
*** V in Indonesian is spelt like F

ok, i think it’s enough for today. next time, i’ll post another lesson. if u don’t understand, don’t mind to ask via comment here, ok?! ;)

bye! ^__^

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